Find a repair group

Use the map below to find your nearest repair group in the UK.

How to use this map (press here for instructions)

Find your local UK repair cafe

Search for your location by zooming into the map or using the red search box on the left. As you start start writing in the search box, suggestions should begin to appear. You can choose ‘Geographical location’ to zoom into that area, or you can select any individual groups that appear below.

To view groups as a list rather than on a map, click or tap on ‘Show as list’ (or the menu icon) on the top right of the map.

Click or tap on any pin or group name to reveal details about that group.

While we try to keep this information up to date, this isn’t always possible for every group. Check our frequently asked questions below the map for details on how to report incorrect information.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add a group?

This map is designed to list all Repair Cafés and other community repair groups in the UK. We do our best to keep it up to date, but if your local group is missing, you can add it to the map yourself here.

How can I report out of date or incorrect information?

If you’ve found some information that isn’t right, you can let us know by pressing ‘Report an error’ at the bottom of a group’s description. Thank you for helping us keep the map up to date!

Where does this information come from?

The Community Repair Network is a decentralised group of regional networks and individual Repair Cafés across the UK. We aim to keep up to date with all the repair groups in our respective areas and pool this information into this combined map. You can view the source for each group below its description when you select any individual group. At the moment, our sources are:

Learn more about us here.

Where can I find information about groups outside the UK?

The Community Repair Network focuses on the UK. However, there are other networks internationally:

International listings

Country-specific listings

Is your national network missing from this list? Let us know!