Help us grow the network

If you represent a network of community repair groups in the UK, or are already involved in a local group that supports other communities too, you are welcome to join our email list!

Join our email list

We use the email list to coordinate the network’s activities and organise network meetings. If you would like to get involved with our work, please sign up below. You can manage your preferences or unsubscribe at any time after signing up. Read our privacy policy.


How does the email list work?

We use a simple group email list on Anyone who is on the list can send an email to, which will be delivered to everybody else automatically.

Replying to an email will send your message everybody on the list too. But it is also possible to reply just to the sender using the link at the end of any email.

How many emails will I recieve?

The number of emails you get will depend on how active everybody else is. Unlike a monthly newsletter, there is no central organisation that sends out regular emails. Instead, anyone on the list can use it to email everyone else at any time.

If you find you are receiving too many emails, you can change your settings to receive a daily summary instead, pause emails temporarily or unsubscribe completely.