We are part of the global movement calling for The Right to Repair.

Repairing things isn’t always easy – especially with electricals and electronics!

It’s often hard to get spare parts; there are limited instructions; items aren’t made to last and some are impossible to take apart without breaking them. This isn’t just frustrating, it’s bad for our bank balances and the planet.

So, as well as running community repair events, you might also want to get involved in changing the system that includes so many barriers to repairs being successful. This can be as simple as sharing data about the broken items you see at events.

We are involved in the global movement calling for The Right to Repair. The goal is to ensure that everyone has the right to fix the products they own. It aims to change regulations on how our devices are made in the first place, to make them easy and affordable to repair, as well as to expand our rights after purchase.

After all, if we could use every phone sold this year for 1/3 longer, we would prevent carbon emissions equal to Ireland’s annual emissions.

Here are a number of ways that your group can get involved:

Celebrate International Repair Day

On Saturday 19 October 2024 we will celebrate the eighth edition of International Repair Day, a day to promote and celebrate the value of fixing. You can join the celebration by running or attending an event or spreading the word on social media. If you run a repair group in the UK, the UK engagement kit contains various ways to get involved. And you can add your Repair Day event to the world map here!

Sign the UK Repair and Reuse Declaration

The UK Repair and Reuse Declaration was developed over the summer of 2023 by repair cafes and other community repair groups, national NGOs and businesses. The Declaration calls on UK policymakers to stand with us for our Right to Repair by implementing a series of policies to make repair more accessible and affordable for everyone. We’d love your repair group to sign it, and contact your MP to ask for their endorsement.

Watch our webinar

In February 2024, we co-hosted a webinar all about how we can put Right to Repair on the agenda in the UK. We started with inspiring examples of how Right to Repair movements are making repair accessible to people across Europe and the USA followed by the latest developments and opportunities here in the UK.

Watch the recording here – or – Read a summary on The Restart Project’s site

Join the Student Repair Revolution

We are supporting students across the UK take action to reduce waste, lower greenhouse gas emissions and save money by giving their stuff a new lease of life. Learn how we can help you get something started at your university!

Record and share your data from events

Our community data is powerful, revealing the barriers to repair at scale. We’re all joined up in our efforts to share repair data, using the same open standard. So in Wales, you can share with Repair Cafe Wales directly. Everywhere else your group can choose between Restart’s “Fixometer” or The Repair Cafe Foundation’s “Repair Monitor”.

Join our email list

If you represent a network of community repair groups in the UK, or are already involved in a local group that supports other communities too, you are welcome to join our email list! You can sign up here.

Join the UK conversation and follow the latest news

The Restart Project are campaigning for Right to Repair and repair-friendly policy in the UK. Stay up to date with their newsletter or join the conversations on their community forum.

Follow Right to Repair Europe

European Right to Repair Campaign is a coalition of European organisations pushing for system change around repair. They are calling for good design, fair access and informed consumers. Visit their site for the latest news from across Europe and the EU, sign up for updates and spread the word. Your group can also join the Campaign.

Local Climate Emergency Actions

Consider getting involved in your locality’s climate boards, groups, marches and events. Repair has an integral part to play in addressing the climate emergency, especially as electronic waste is the fastest growing waste stream globally. Chat with existing community repair groups for ideas on how to get involved.